Introduction: The AI Era

The concept of AI-powered personal computers (AI PCs) has gained significant traction following the successful development of generative AI systems. As this trend continues, we encounter both opportunities and challenges. As a successful custom PC case manufacturer, Yeong Yang is uniquely positioned to assist clients in developing their own unique AI PC products.


1. Thermal Optimization

Leveraging our years of expertise, we swiftly identify and address our clients’ needs with effective solutions. Our portfolio includes:

Air Cooling Designs: Featuring successful airduct designs and a selection of fans or advanced blowers.

Water Cooling Integration: We've embraced the evolution of water cooling technologies, enhancing performance.

Optimizing Airflow: Our designs prioritize optimal ventilation while maintaining cost-efficiency.

2. Mechanical Customization

For special electronic components, we collaborate with clients to optimize the internal space of AI PC systems. Our techniques include:

Screwless Design: Reducing assembly time.

Specialized Bracket Holders: Ensuring convenience for power supply units (PSUs) and hard disks.

Cable Routing Spacers: Streamlining cable management.

Detachable Airduct Parts: Enhancing the airflow and provide flexibility.

3. Private Label Service

For batch purchasing, we offer advanced private label services:

Front Panel ID Design: Customized aesthetics.

Packaging Customization: Tailored to your brand.

Branding Services: Logo printing or engraving on private-labeled cartons.

Contact Us

With years of experience, our service is fast, accurate, and reliable. Consult us with any idea or concept, and let us help you realize your ideal design.