Minerals Conflict-Free
Statement of Conflict Minerals
永陽科技股份有限公司遵守「責任商業聯盟(Responsible Business Alliance, RBA)」行為準則,致力於只採購可靠來源的無衝突礦產。因此,本公司訂有「環境限用物質管理程序(Environment Substance Management Procedure)」,管理、審查供應商供應給永陽所使用的金(Au),鉭(Ta),鎢(W),錫(Sn)和鈷 (Co) 和雲母(Mica)等金屬沒有來自於剛果及其周邊國家(蘇丹、烏幹達、盧旺達、布隆迪、坦桑尼亞聯合共和國、尚比亞、安哥拉、中非共和國)的礦石或非法軍事派別所控制衝突地區的礦區,並持續監測供應鏈採購的做法,以避免取得有爭議的金屬原物料。
YEONG YANG TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. adheres to the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct and is committed to sourcing only non-conflict minerals from reliable sources. The company is taking and will take due diligence within our supply chain to assure “DRC Conflict-Free” for the Minerals of gold (Au), tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W), cobalt(Co), tin (Sn), and Mica are not derived from or sourced from mines in conflict areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), or illegally taxed on trade routes, either of which are controlled by non-governmental military groups, or unlawful military factions. Trade routes not confirmed to be “Conflict Free” include direct exports from the DRC, as well as exports through Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania and Kenya (countries of whom the U.N. Security Council note are global export routes for DRC-mined minerals).
永陽科技股份有限公司執行合理程度的礦產來源國調查(Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry, RCOI),包含
一. 採用責任礦產倡議組織(Responsible Minerals Initiative, RMI) 所發佈之衝突礦產調查表單 (Conflict Minerals Reporting Template, CMRT、Extended Minerals Reporting Template, EMRT),要求供應商進行盡職調查( Due Diligence),提供正確且完整揭露其冶煉廠的資訊。
二. 供應商需簽署「不使用環境危害物質聲明書( Declaration of Non Use of Environment Hazardous Substance)」,並提供第三公證單位檢測報告,確認遵守本公司政策。
Yeong Yang Technology Co., Ltd. conducts Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry (RCOI) regarding mineral sourcing, which includes:
1. Utilizing the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) and Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT) issued by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), requiring suppliers to conduct due diligence and fill out the form. Once completed, suppliers are to return it to the relevant department within our company, providing accurate and comprehensive disclosure of their smelters' information.
2. Suppliers are required to annually sign a "Declaration of Non-Use of Environment Hazardous Substance" and provide a third-party analytical test report to confirm compliance with our company's policies.
Name of Person in charge: Jerry Yen
Date: 17-Jan-2025